Mortgage Repayment Calculator

When you are considering committing to a mortgage, one of the most important questions you need to ask is how much your home loan repayments will be.

Knowing how much you can afford to put toward your mortgage in each pay cycle will help you to work out how much you can afford to spend on a home, and will allow you to plan your budget for the future.

When you're ready to apply for a home loan, you'll have the confidence of knowing what impact the repayments will have on your weekly, fortnightly or monthly income.

What if interest rates change?

Find out what your repayments will be if the interest rates go up or down, or whether you could benefit from refinancing your current home loan.

How does my payment frequency affect my home loan?

This calculator will give you an idea of how the frequency of your repayments will affect your home loan. If you make more frequent payments, you'll generally be paying less interest across the lifetime of the loan.

Usually, it's easiest to plan your repayments according to your pay cycle, and set up a direct debit so that you never need to worry about whether you have enough money in your account for the total payment each month.

Choosing the Right Loan Type

Depending on the type of loan that you choose, you might want to calculate interest only payments, or principle and interest payments. You can calculate these right here, so you'll know how much to expect to pay for the interest only term of your loan, and how much you'll pay once you begin to pay down the principle of the loan.

Knowing what your repayments will be is the key to choosing the right loan, a loan that you'll be able to comfortably afford. This calculator can be used to calculate your repayments:

  • For your first home
  • For an investment property
  • To compare what'll you pay if you refinance with your current loan payments
  • If you're moving home

This calculator should be used as a rough guide - there are variables that apply to your individual situation that may not have been taken into account.

# 1 Mortgage Calculator Australia

For an expert assessment of your complete financial situation and a recommendation of what your repayments will be based on the loans you'll be eligible for, book a consultation with a Positive Home Loan broker by calling 1300 366 287 or fill out an application form online.

We make finance a Positive experience